GPT-4 Officially Released

GPT-4 Release! The Next Big Thing from OpenAI is here

3 min

As introduced on their website, “Announcing GPT-4, a large multimodal model, with our best-ever results on capabilities and alignment” and throughout the latest tweet from Greg Brockman, OpenAI is officially announcing the GPT-4 release.

GPT-4 Powerful features


The latest version of GPT, GPT-4, is now equipped with exceptional creativity and collaboration capabilities. It has the ability to produce, modify, and revise written content collaboratively with users, covering both creative and technical writing assignments. This includes creating songs, crafting screenplays, and even learning the writer’s unique writing style.

GPT4 Creativity

Visual input

With GPT-4, users can provide images as inputs and the system can output captions, classifications, and analyses of the images. This means that GPT-4 has the ability to accurately describe and categorize images based on their content, and provide insightful analysis of the visual information being presented.

Visual input

Longer context

The text processing capabilities of GPT-4 are extremely impressive, as the system is capable of handling more than 25,000 words of text at once. This makes it an ideal tool for a wide range of use cases, including creating long-form content, facilitating extended conversations, and performing comprehensive document search and analysis tasks.

Longer context


In terms of advanced reasoning capabilities, GPT-4 outperforms ChatGPT. This implies that GPT-4 has a superior ability to analyze and interpret complex information, draw logical conclusions, and provide well-reasoned responses in a variety of settings.


When it comes to performance, GPT-4 has an edge over ChatGPT as it scores significantly higher percentiles compared to the latter among test-takers. This clearly indicates that GPT-4 has a better ability to solve problems and respond to challenges, and can produce more accurate and meaningful results compared to ChatGPT.


Is GPT-4 available for everyone now?

As mentioned on the OpenAI website, GPT4 is available exclusively for ChatGPT Plus members and for developers as an API. “We are making GPT-4 available on ChatGPT Plus and as an API for developers to build applications and services”.

The Evolution of GPT from GPT to GPT-4

Through the research trajectory from GPT, GPT-2, and GPT-3, our deep learning approach has successfully utilized larger datasets and increased computational resources to generate highly sophisticated and robust language models. This has allowed us to create language models that can handle complex language-processing tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Improving GPT-4: Enhancing Safety and Accuracy

Over a period of six months, we have focused on making significant improvements to GPT-4 in terms of safety and alignment. As a result, GPT-4 is now 82% less likely to generate responses for disallowed content and has shown a 40% increase in providing factual responses, as compared to GPT-3.5, according to our internal evaluations. These enhancements indicate that GPT-4 is now a much safer and more reliable tool for processing language-based requests.

Examples of App built using GPT-4

Examples of App built using GPT-4
Examples of App built using GPT-4

Last words

In conclusion, GPT-4 is a highly advanced and sophisticated language model equipped with exceptional reasoning capabilities, text-processing functionality, and safety features. With its impressive capabilities and precise alignment, GPT-4 is set to revolutionize the field of natural language processing, opening up new possibilities for creative and technical writing, image analysis, and document search and analysis tasks.

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