
How To Use Character-to-Video Feature from PixVerse

2 min

In a world of digital wonders, PixVerse Character-to-Video stands out. It turns a single image into a lively video with lifelike characters. Imagine pixels coming alive on the screen, ready to tell stories. Let’s explore this magic together!

Step 1: Access PixVerse “Character-to-Video” Feature

Start by navigating to the “Character” option on the main page of the app or website. From there, select “Create Character“.

Step 2: Creating the Character

Upload the image for your character’s face, name your character, and click “Create Character”. Wait for PixVerse to complete the training for about 20 seconds.

Step 3: Making Videos in PixVerse

To create a video with your character, select “Create” from the menu, choose “Character,” enter your prompt, select an aspect ratio, and click “Create.” A video featuring your character will be generated within minutes.

Here is the input image used:

Character-to-Video PixVerse

Result 1:

Result 2:

Tutorial credit: Roni Rahman

Other results from the PixVerse community


The PixVerse Character-to-Video feature is a big step forward for making videos. It lets you turn a picture into an animated video easily. This makes it fun and easy for anyone to tell stories with video.

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