Starry AI

Starry AI: Art Generator, Avatar Creator and Many More!

1 min

Starry AI

AI Art Generator

Starry AI is an app powered by AI that allows people to generate avatars and art by just explaining their ideas. Starry AI technology can turn a user’s written description into a unique and customized work of art.


Use For Free

Create up to 5 free artworks every day, without watermarks!

Full Ownership

Have complete control over your generated art! Print these out and use them for your next art project, or share them on social media!


To customize your projects, select from a variety of models, styles, aspect ratios, and initial pictures.

State of the Art Methods

Starry applies modern algorithms to help you generate art. Starry models are updated on a regular basis to assure the quality of your designs!

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What others are saying


“This app has become a part of my morning coffee ritual, thinking up creative prompts for the AI while I sip. The options allow you to point the AI in interesting directions, and it creates something interesting about as often as it doesn’t.”


App Store User


“I discovered Starryai through an online image created by an “AI photo generator.” Despite initially unsatisfactory results, I continued trying the app and was impressed with the ability to choose an image to start, vastly improving the quality of the generated art. Overall, the app is a fun and useful concept with excellent execution.”

quesadilla dude

App Store User


“Almost don’t wanna give it a review so It doesn’t get more attention, but it is deserved. Great range of art styles and every one looks so cool I love it.”


App Store User

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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