Rupa.AI Post

Rupa.AI: Transform Your Photos into Stunning Illustrations

2 min

Are you tired of blending in with everyone else on social media? Do you want to stand out with a profile picture that truly represents you? Rupa.AI has the solution! With their never-before-seen technology, you can create a unique and personalized profile picture that captures your essence in various styles and settings. Say goodbye to boring selfies and hello to your best profile picture yet!

Rupa.AI results

What is

Rupa.AI is an innovative application that uses the latest AI technology to transform your photos in a variety of beautiful and aesthetic illustration styles. It is the first of its kind in Indonesia that can do this with such efficiency and quality. The app offers more than 100 AI profile photo options, each with its own unique style and beauty. With Rupa.AI, you can choose the style that you like the most, and it will turn your ordinary photos into something extraordinary. Whether you want to share your photos on social media or want to use them for professional purposes, It can help you create stunning illustrations that will definitely stand out.

Rupa.AI results

What do Customers say?

Rupa.AI reviews
Rupa.AI reviews


Rupa.AI’s profile picture plans start from IDR 79k during the promo period. Choose Basic for 120 Photo Profile AI options and 15 artistic styles. Upgrade to Premium for 300+ Photo Profile AI options and all artistic styles. Try Premium+ for the ultimate package with 400+ Photo Profile AI options, all artistic styles, 100+ style/pose options, and 4K resolution.

Rupa.AI pricing


Rupa.AI is an exciting and engaging photo editing app that can help you create stunning illustrations from ordinary photos. With its advanced AI technology and a variety of unique and attractive styles to choose from, Rupa.AI offers an easy-to-use and accessible tool for creating high-quality profile photos. Don’t settle for mediocre photos anymore, elevate your game with Rupa.AI and create eye-catching illustrations that will surely impress.

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