Microsoft ChatGPT-4

Microsoft will Add ChatGPT-4 to Bing Search Engine

1 min

Microsoft in the coming weeks will add to its search engine Bing neural network ChatGPT-4 to compete with Google in the field of search, reports the portal Semafor, citing sources in the company. Compared to GPT-3, the new version of OpenAI AI will respond to requests much faster, and its answers will be closer to human ones.

GPT-4 is one of the most anticipated technology products today. Earlier, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman commented on rumors about ChatGPT-4 during an interview with the YouTube channel StrictlyVC. He did not name the exact timing of the release of GPT-4, but said that “it will happen when the developers are confident that they will do everything safely and responsibly.” He also said that the insane predictions about the capabilities of the new version of AI are “complete nonsense.”

“I don’t understand where these predictions came from. People seem to really want to be disappointed, and they will be disappointed. We are expected to have “full-fledged” artificial intelligence, but we do not have it, “commented Altman, referring to AI with capabilities equivalent to humans in many areas.

It should be noted that OpenAI also plans to launch the ChatGPT mobile app and launch a video generation feature based on the text description in DALL-E.

On Jan. 23, OpenAI confirmed Microsoft’s $10 billion investment, and as with Microsoft’s past investments in OpenAI, a large part of the deal’s value will be that Microsoft will provide OpenAI with the Azure capacity needed to run AI systems. In addition, Microsoft plans to use OpenAI models in existing products, as well as release new ones with integrated AI.

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