Deep Voodoo

Deep Voodoo : Deepfake Startup

1 min

Deep Voodoo

Deepkafe Startup

Deep Voodoo

Deep Voodoo, an artificial intelligence entertainment startup, was established by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Since early 2020, the company has been developing the world’s foremost proprietary deepfake technology. Currently, Deep Voodoo is focused on creating the most advanced and top-tier deepfake tools in the market.

What Deep Voodoo are doing?

When the company made its public debut, the influence of Parker and Stone was evident, as they were accompanied by none other than Kendrick Lamar. In the music video for “The Heart Part 5,” the artist appears to perform his lyrics in a single take. However, as he looks straight into the camera, his face transforms into those of various well-known figures, including OJ Simpson, Nipsey Hussle, Kobe Bryant, and Kanye West.


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