Migrate Your Applications and Data Warehouses to the Cloud with Realist

2 min

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced partner to help you move your applications and data warehouses from on-premise servers into the cloud, you have come to the right place. is a company that specializes in cloud migration, optimization, and development. In this blog post, we will introduce you to what Realist do, how they do it, and why you should choose it for your cloud computing needs.

What Do

Realist Consulting helps organizations migrate their applications and data warehouses from on-premise servers into the cloud, improve the performance and efficiency of existing cloud-based applications, and build purpose-built applications for the cloud.

Through their experience helping many organizations make the transition to cloud computing, they have created and collected best practices and systems to improve the efficiency of your cloud migration process. The team will work closely with yours to design and execute a successful migration to the cloud.

They also offer services to optimize your existing cloud-based applications by applying best practices for scalability, security, performance, reliability, and cost-efficiency. They can help you leverage the latest technologies and features of cloud platforms to enhance your applications’ functionality and user experience.

Additionally, It can help you build new applications that are tailor-made for the cloud environment. They can help you choose the right architecture, tools, frameworks, and methodologies for your project. And can also help you integrate your applications with other cloud services or third-party APIs.

How Realist Do It

With a team of experts who have skills in various aspects of cloud computing. Team consists of:

  • System Architects: They are responsible for scoping and road mapping your project, gathering business requirements, designing system architecture, leading development teams, and participating in all phases of the software development lifecycle.
  • Infrastructure/DevOps Engineers: They are responsible for setting up and maintaining continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines that automate software delivery processes. They also ensure that your infrastructure is robust, scalable, secure, and cost-effective.
  • Software Developers: They are responsible for writing high-quality code that meets your business needs and follows industry standards. They also test, debug, document, deploy, monitor,
    and maintain your applications. use industry-leading tools and platforms such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure (Microsoft), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Kubernetes (container orchestration), Terraform (infrastructure as code), Jenkins (continuous integration), GitLab (version control), etc.

It follows agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban that allow it to deliver value quickly
and iteratively while adapting to changing requirements or feedback.

Why Choose Realist

There are many reasons why you should choose Realist as your cloud computing partner:

  • Experience: They have successfully completed many projects across various industries such as healthcare, finance, education, retail, etc.
    They have worked with clients ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
    They have a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions on time and within budget.
  • Expertise: They have a team of certified professionals who have deep knowledge and skills in various aspects of cloud computing.
    They keep the service updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field.
    They can handle any complexity or challenge that may arise during your project.
  • Flexibility: They can work with any type of application or data warehouse,
    whether it is legacy or modern, monolithic or microservices-based, relational or non-relational, etc.
    And can also work with any type of cloud platform, whether it is AWS, Azure, GCP, or hybrid.
    They can customize our services according to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Value: It offers competitive pricing without compromising quality.
    They also help you reduce costs by optimizing your infrastructure and application performance.
    And also help you increase revenue by improving customer satisfaction and retention through better user experience and functionality.

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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