
Top 12 AI plugins for Figma

3 min

We have selected Figma plugins that work on the basis of artificial intelligence. They will help to rename layers in one click, generate icons, pictures, avatars, 3D illustrations, see your own work through the eyes of a neural network, quickly conduct usability research and extract a huge number of color palettes from the Unsplash library

Figma Autoname — recognizes and names objects using AI

Figma Autoname
Figma Autoname

Magician — generates vector icons and pictures from text


Magestic – generates 3D icons based on AI and allows you to customize the result using ready-made parameters. A free test version for 5 images is available. Price – from $ 5 per month for the generation of 25 images + a set of ready-made illustrations


Ando AI – Copilot for Designers – creates IMAGES based on AI. 42 images per month for free, for $ 18 – the number of images is unlimited

Ando AI — Copilot for Designers
Ando AI — Copilot for Designers

500 AI-generated avatars — more than 500 free avatars of non-existent women and men of all ages and different nationalities generated by the neural network

500 AI-generated avatars
500 AI-generated avatars

Ruri AI — allows you to train the Stable Diffusion neural network to generate images in the selected style. It is enough to upload the picture you like, wait for the AI to study its style, give it a text hint, and it will generate images in this style. Price from 15 €

Ruri AI
Ruri AI

Picon — is a fast text-based image generator based on Stable Diffusion. Price – from 12 € per month


EyeQuant Inspect – helps determine how the target audience will perceive the design and instantly get recommendations for optimizing layouts. Plugin functions: heat maps, interface understandability ratings, excitation indicators, areas of interest. The plugin is paid, but there is a 7-day trial

EyeQuant Inspect
EyeQuant Inspect

Clueify – with the help of AI helps to identify potential problems with usability. The plugin is paid, but there is a 7-day trial


AI Color Palette Generator – Extracts colors from Unsplash’s huge library of high-quality photos. When enough palettes are extracted from the photos, the AI will study them to create even more color combinations based on them.

AI Color Palette Generator
AI Color Palette Generator

MagiCopy — generates texts landing pages based on the GPT-3 neural network


Dreamer – allows you to generate images using Stable Diffusion


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