Raycast ai

Raycast: Unlock the Power of AI on Your Mac with ChatGPT

2 min

During the beta phase, Raycast, a macOS application, provides users with the ability to unleash the potential of AI on their Mac. It includes ChatGPT, that can be accessed from anywhere on the Mac to assist with tasks, as well as APIs that can be used to develop AI experiences. The AI capabilities are currently offered for free. By joining the waitlist, you can secure your spot as one of the first users to try Raycast. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the power of AI on your Mac and streamline your workflow.

Raycats whaitlist

Raycast Key Features

Upgrade your Mac with ChatGPT’s intelligent assistance available anywhere, and accelerate tasks without code using our API to unleash full potential.here are the Raycast key features.

Your Mac has become more intelligent

By using Raycast’s integration with macOS, you can experience a whole new level of contextual information that simplifies the use of AI in all your applications.


ChatGPT – available at any time and any place

Communicate with AI seamlessly, without any disruptions. Created for convenient accessibility from any location on your Mac, it’s the digital assistant you’ve been searching for.


Boost tasks’ speed without needing to write code

Generate AI directives to elevate your workflows to new heights, including tasks such as text rephrasing and idea generation. Simply describe your task, and Raycast will handle the rest.


Unlock the full potential using Raycast API

Leverage the capabilities of AI to make your extensions more intelligent with our latest APIs. Share them with either our community or your team. Building AI experiences has never been easier.


Raycast Pricing

Raycast pricing plans cater to both individual and team needs. For personal use, enjoy ChatGPT’s features for free and unleash your superpowers at no cost. For teams, the Basic plan is also available for free per user per month, which can help power up your team’s speed and streamline processes. Alternatively, the Paid plan is available at $10 per user per month to supercharge your team and maximize productivity.

Raycast pricing

In conclusion, whether you’re an individual seeking to streamline your workflow or a team looking to maximize productivity, ChatGPT has a plan that suits your needs. With features designed to upgrade your Mac’s intelligence, and pricing plans that cater to both personal and team requirements, ChatGPT provides a solution for all your AI-based virtual assistance needs. So, unleash your superpowers and elevate your workflow with ChatGPT throughout Raycast today.

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