
Phind: AI generative search engine.

1 min


AI search engine for developers


Phind is a new AI search engine for developers seeking fast and clear solutions to technical problems. Unlike standard search engines, which return a list of links, Phind generates answers straight from the web, with clear explanations and appropriate code samples. Phind is powered by massive, proprietary AI language models that can synthesize data from multiple sources and understand natural language queries.


Searching modes

Phind provides several search modes (Expert, Concise, and Creative), all of which may be used together. The toggles are located under the search bar.

Search Filters

On the filters page, you have the option to tailor your search results by indicating which domains you wish to increase or decrease visibility of.

3000 Characters

Phind imposes a character limit of 3000. If you exceed this limit while pasting content, the model will be truncated to consider only the initial 3000 characters.

Easy to use

Phind has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use.




What is AI generative search engine?

Unlike standard search engines, AI generative search engine is a search tool that uses artificial intelligence to produce content and get results from a database

How Phind use your data?

On their privacy page, Phind says “The searches we anonymously log may be used to improve our product and machine learning models. We will never sell your data to any third party.”

What Phind search engine collects?

Phind may log your search requests and their associated results anonymously. It does not link your searches to personally identifying information like your IP address.


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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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