Moonvalley AI

Moonvalley AI: The Future of Video Creation

1 min

Have you ever dreamed of creating videos and animations without technical skills or expensive software? Well, now you can, thanks to Moonvalley AI, a groundbreaking new text-to-video generative AI model that is revolutionizing the video industry.

Moonvalley AI is a powerful tool that allows you to create breathtaking cinematic and animated videos from simple text prompts. You can choose from various styles, such as hyperrealistic videos, anime, cartoons, and more.

Moonvalley AI is currently in Beta and free to use on the Discord server. You can join the community of video creators and enthusiasts, share your feedback, and get access to exclusive features and updates. Whether you want to make videos for fun, education, marketing, or storytelling, Moonvalley AI is the perfect solution.

How to use MoonValley bot on Discord

To make your first video on MoonValley:
1️⃣ Navigate to # new-moon-1 or any other new-moon-x channel.
2️⃣ Use the /create command and provide the prompt you’d like to utilize.
☑️Example Prompt: /create prompt: A spaceship landing on a mysterious moon
crater. You’ll be prompted to also choose a style and the duration of the generated
video clip you’d like shared back.

Community Creations

Here are some creations from MoonValley AI users:

Don’t miss this opportunity to unleash your creativity and make amazing videos with Moonvalley AI. Join our Discord server today and start creating your own videos in minutes!

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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