Kaiber AI

Kaiber AI

1 min

Kaiber AI

AI Video Generator

Kaiber AI

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own music videos, but felt limited by your skills or resources? Do you have a great idea for a visual story, but don’t know how to bring it to life? If so, you might want to check out Kaiber AI, a revolutionary platform that lets you generate stunning videos with just a few clicks.

What is Kaiber AI?

Kaiber AI is an AI video generator that uses state-of-the-art technology to transform your ideas into the visual stories of your dreams. Whether you want to start with your own image, upload a song, or type a text, Kaiber AI can help you create amazing videos in minutes


Camera Control

You can control the camera movement of your video to shift perspectives and create dynamic scenes.

Longer Videos

You can make your video longer and see where your imagination takes you. Kaiber AI will generate new content based on your input and style.

Unique Video Generator

You can unleash your imagination and create videos that are unique and original. Kaiber AI uses generative models that can produce novel and diverse visuals.

How It Works

1- Upload Your Own Files

Begin by uploading your own image, audio, or video to bring your content to life.

2- Direct your vision

Express your preferences, or use the pre-selected styles and prompt templates.

3- Customize Your Settings

Adjust your length, dimensions, camera movements, and more

4- Select the starting frame

Create your own atmosphere using one of the four initial frames Kaiber provides for you.

5- Download your video

Download and share your generated video with the world!

Kaiber Pricing

Kaiber Pricing


How long does video rendering take?

Style previews may take 30 seconds and video rendering can take several minutes to hours based on length. It’s a lengthy process as Kaiber technology asks the AI to create multiple frames per second, but they’re trying to find ways to speed it up.

Will my video display the Kaiber watermark and logo?

Free accounts add the Kaiber logo watermark to your generated videos.

How to get more Kaiber credit?

You can buy additional credits at any time by clicking on your account icon and selecting “Credits”. Decide how many credits you want to purchase – $1.50 gets you 100 credits.

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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