After ChatGPT and Dall-E, OpenAI will launch a new AI

OpenAI has revealed some of the new products that await its generative artificial intelligence. The company announced a new AI capable of generating video.2 min

ChatGPT 4 won’t be a revolution 

Altman went on to urge users to lower their expectations for ChatGPT 4. This version will not include general artificial intelligence. This concept refers to AI, which is able to function like the human brain. In this case, the AI can respond to all the queries that a person can understand. This model can evolve and adapt to its tasks, even if it is not programmed to do so.

Today, such AI does not exist. According to Altman, the transition to shared AI will be gradual, not abrupt. This is one of the main long-term goals of OpenAI. Either way, ChatGPT version 4 won’t be as revolutionary as rumors claim.

 When asked about this in December 2021, Altman had already hinted that ChatGPT 4 would only be a development of ChatGPT 3. The future intelligent chatbot, first of all, will be able to better understand the context of the request and give more accurate and qualitative answers. These improvements should require more computing power. Note that OpenAI released version 3.5 of ChatGPT in December 2022.

 This iteration was met with enthusiasm by most users, including students. According to some faculty members, many students rely on ChatGPT to write off and write assignments for them. Aware of the “changes in society” caused by the advent of chatbots, Sam Altman urges teachers to adapt to the inevitable growth of generative artificial intelligence. Just as a calculator has changed the process of learning mathematics, AI will turn all education upside down, and we will have to cope with it.

 “We hear from teachers who are naturally very concerned about how all of this is going to affect homework, and we also hear from a lot of teachers who say, “Wow, this is a terrific personal tutor for every kid.”

AI that generates video

Recall that the startup is focused not only on ChatGPT. OpenAI has also developed Dall-E, an AI capable of generating images in seconds. The American firm does not intend to stop there. Sam Altman reports that artificial intelligence programmed to create videos is also in development at OpenAI.

 The entrepreneur says that “people are interested” in the prospect of creating AI that generates video. The project may be “soon” available, although “it may take some time”. Very measured, Altman is cautious and does not give a “competent forecast at the moment.” 

This won’t be the first AI capable of coming up with sequences. Last year, for example, the company Meta introduced a tool that can create video clips based on plain text. AI relies on machine learning and a huge database of images. For now, it is only available to trial program participants. 

During the interview, Altman also mentioned an agreement with Microsoft. The U.S. giant has paid several billion dollars to integrate ChatGPT and Dall-E into its products, including the Bing search engine, Azure, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. 

“This is the only technology company with which I am so happy to be associated, ” says Sam Altman, assuring that the partnership with Microsoft is developing very successfully. 

The co-founder of OpenAI notes that Microsoft will not have exclusive rights to innovations developed by the startup. The company remains free to develop new technologies and can offer them to other companies. Similarly, OpenAI will develop its own products and software despite the agreement with Microsoft. 

To generate revenue, OpenAI also plans to launch a paid version of ChatGPT. Called ChatGPT Professional, this premium version will offer better performance and guaranteed availability even when servers are overloaded.


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