Vitruvius AI

Meet Vitruvius: Your AI Architect

1 min

Vitruvius AI

Your AI Architect

Vitruvius AI

Vitruvius AI is an advanced designing platform that can help you design, conceptualize, render and provide floor plans for your home that you can construct. With its continuous learning capabilities, Vitruvius AI can offer project plans, budgets, 3D models and much more with time.

Beta users can currently use Vitruvius for free. New users are added daily to ensure that Vitruvius can learn and grow with you while providing the most optimal design experience.


Profound grasp of architectural concepts and construction techniques
Proficient in creating associated external visuals, internal visuals, and layout designs
Skilled in swiftly and extensively navigating diverse design possibilities

How It Works


Contact Vitruvius AI Team and provide your development details via the partner portal.

Select Designs

Select from over 60 distinctive home designs by CODEX, or bring your own vision and It'll craft a custom design exclusively for you.


ICON will collaborate to devise the master project plan and initiate all preliminary development activities.


Experience the swift and meticulous realization of your homes.


All customers of Vitruvius AI gain access to digital visualization and sales tools, which help ensure their project's success in every way, including financially.

Prompt Examples

``I want a home in the desert``
``I want a home design in the style of...``
``I want a home inspired by my favorite book or movie``

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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