seinfeld twitch

Neural networks generate an endless series on Twitch.

1 min

On Twitch, from December 14, the series Nothing, Forever is broadcast, created in automatic mode with minimal human participation – it is generated from beginning to end by artificial intelligence. Now on the channel “the show about nothing that lasts forever”, more than 8300 viewers.

The series is based on the American sitcom Seinfeld from the 1990s – and looks like a computer toy from that time. The broadcast is non-stop 24/7.

Neural networks write the plot, replicas of the characters, voice them and create graphics. The plot is constantly updated based on user comments. The GPT-3 language model is responsible for the dialogs. Also in the generation of the series are involved neural networks Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, as well as Azure Cognitive Services.

The series has a lot of flaws — for example, the characters move like robots and sometimes respond with a delay, some scenes are incomplete and out of context, and voice-over laughter can sound out of place. But users note that the spectacle is more addictive than the creations of Netflix, and are already tightly hooked on it, and sometimes successful jokes slip through, for which some watch this series.

In the future, the authors of the project plan to launch new endless shows.

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