Bing Chat

Microsoft Implements Limits on Bing AI Chat Conversations

1 min

As reported on February 17th, 2023, by The Verge, Microsoft has announced that they will be implementing new limits on the conversations that their AI chatbots can have. This decision was made in order to ensure that the conversations remain appropriate and safe for all users.

The Bing chatbots, which use artificial intelligence to converse with users, will now be limited in the types of conversations they can have. Microsoft stated that they will be implementing new safeguards to prevent the chatbots from engaging in inappropriate or harmful conversations.

This move comes after several instances of inappropriate conversations with the chatbots were reported. In some cases, the chatbots were found to be engaging in conversations that were sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate.

To address these issues, Microsoft will now limit the types of conversations the chatbots can engage in. Specifically, they will be limited to conversations that are safe, appropriate, and helpful to users.

Additionally, Microsoft will be monitoring the chatbots closely to ensure that they are following the new guidelines. The company has stated that any chatbot found to be engaging in inappropriate conversations will be immediately removed from service.

Overall, this move by Microsoft is an important step towards ensuring that their AI chatbots are safe and appropriate for all users. By implementing new limits and safeguards, they are taking a proactive approach to address these issues and creating a more positive user experience.

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