
Kipper: The Ultimate AI Tool for Schoolwork

1 min


AI that Simplifies Your Schoolwork


As a student, we all know the struggle of balancing school work with our personal lives. However, with Kipper, an AI-powered platform, getting schoolwork done has never been easier.

What is Kipper?

Kipper is an online platform that helps students with their schoolwork. It uses artificial intelligence to generate essays, summaries, citations, and more. Kipper is designed to make schoolwork faster, easier, and more enjoyable.


Get More Done in Less Time

Kipper saves students time and effort by making school work 100 times faster.

Free From Plagiarism & AI Detection

No more stressing about getting caught by your teacher for plagiarism. Kipper uses a no-plagiarism script with built-in AI detectors to ensure that all work produced is 100% original.

Effortlessly Improve Grades

It produces high-quality essays that have helped 85% of students achieve a grade of B+ or higher. With Kipper, students can focus on the content and ideas, while the platform takes care of the formatting and grammar

2 Day Free Trial

Kipper offers a 2-day free trial, so students can experience the benefits of the platform before committing.

Essay Writer

Create essays with the click of a button. Just enter your topic, and Kipper will generate a well-researched and structured essay for you.

Citation Finder

No need to waste time digging for citations and references anymore. Kipper will automatically find and cite relevant academic sources for your paper.

AI Summarizer

Save hours on long readings and videos. Kipper can summarize any text or video for you, and give you a list of key points and takeaways.

Text Enhancer

Spice up your writing with AI in seconds. Kipper can improve your writing by enhancing your grammar, structuring, and vocabulary.

ChatBot Tutor

Your personal AI tutor at your fingertips. Kipper can also help you learn and understand any subject better. You can ask It questions about your lectures, articles, videos, and more, and get clear and concise answers.

ScreenShots From Kipper


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What others are saying


I’m literally saving 10+ hours a week using Kipper. Having a social life again is a game-changer for my mental health.

Jessica P.



Kipper always comes in clutch. I can crank out papers in half the time it normally takes.


Essays used to take me days, but now they only take a couple of minutes! Goated

Michael T.



Are generated essays plagiarized?

Kipper is making sure that generated essays and other content is plagiarism-free, but it may happen that some generated texts will occasionally be found on the net.

Can AI detectors catch my generated essays?

No! Kipper has a built-in AI detector that makes sure your generated content won’t be detected by AI.


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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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