
Eduaide.Ai: AI-Assisted Course Development

1 min


AI-Assisted Course Development


Eduaide.Ai is a platform that helps teachers design and deliver effective learning experiences for their students. It offers a wide range of educational resources that can be customized, adapted, and integrated into any curriculum. Whether you want to create something new or enhance what you already have, Eduaide.Ai gives you the tools and support you need.


Essay Review

Generate an example essay for students to review or grade with a rubric. This can help them improve their writing skills and understand the expectations of the assignment.

Syllabus Outline

Plan an outline of a syllabus to guide your writing and development of this foundational classroom document. You can customize it to suit your course goals, objectives, and policies.

Class Announcement

Develop a clear and concise statement to relay information to a class through an LMS or other system. You can use this feature to communicate important updates, reminders, or feedback to your students.

Lab + Material List

Design curriculum-aligned experiments with appropriate materials. You can use this feature to create hands-on learning opportunities for your students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects.

Discussion Prompts

Facilitate class discussions with a range of formative assessment questions. You can use this feature to check for understanding, elicit opinions, or stimulate critical thinking among your students.

Primary Sources

Generate an informative text that features a primary source and reading comprehension questions. You can use this feature to expose your students to authentic historical documents and artifacts that illustrate the past.

Source Analysis Questions

Cultivate historical thinking skills with questions to guide the critical examination of historical sources. You can use this feature to help your students analyze the context, content, and credibility of different types of sources.

Multiple Choice Questions

Generate five multiple-choice questions about a specified topic or text. You can use this feature to assess your students' knowledge, comprehension, or application of the material.

Team Based Activity

Engage students in collaborative learning with a group activity protocol. You can use this feature to design tasks that require teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills among your students.

Secondary Sources

Generate an informative text about a specific historical topic with reading comprehension questions. You can use this feature to provide your students with reliable and relevant sources that explain the historical context, causes, and consequences of events or issues.

Essay Outline

Generate an outline of major topic headings to scaffold student writing or aid in-class note-taking. You can use this feature to help your students organize their ideas, arguments, and evidence in a logical and coherent way.

Lesson Seed

Generate a lesson plan outline with an objective, possible strategies, and a range of options for assessment. You can use this feature to plan effective and engaging lessons that align with your curriculum standards and learning outcomes.


Customers Review

What others are saying

“I think Eduaide is and will be super helpful to all teachers to ensure that students needs can be met”

Mr. Donohue

“Eduaide is the perfect companion for educators, especially new educators or educators without many resources. The apps features help immensely with lesson plan development and design.”

Mr. Sampson

“Eduaide is perfect for creating unique and meaningful activities for my students at the click of a button. No more scrounging through the internet to find the perfect thing!”

Ms. Atchison

“This idea is a game changer for schools! Eduaide will allow teachers and educators to reclaim time lost and spend it on genuine teaching and learning!”

Mr. Strickland

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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