Conker AI

How Conker AI Can Help You Teach Better and Faster

1 min

Conker AI

AI Assemement creator


Conker AI is a powerful tool that helps you create engaging and personalized quizzes for your students. You can choose from different question types, customize the difficulty level, and align the quizzes with K12 standards. Conker AI also supports accessibility features, such as read-aloud, and integrates with popular platforms, such as Google Forms and Canvas LMS. With Conker AI, you can save time and effort while creating effective assessments for your classroom.



Conker enables you to create unique quizzes with various engaging question types, with minimal effort. It's built to simplify quiz creation and customization.


Browse through thousands of ready-made, K12 standards-based assessments - starting with NGSS and TEKS using our free quiz creator.


Design your own quiz or modify existing ones to suit student needs, and differentiate instruction for diverse learners in your class.


All Conker quizzes offer integrated read-aloud for students who need accessibility support. It's easier than ever to create a quiz that's inclusive for everyone.

Diverse Question Types

Export your Conker quizzes to Google Forms, or share them directly from the Canvas LMS. Whether you need a multiple choice quiz maker or other formats, we've got you covered.


Engage and challenge students with a range of question types generated effortlessly with Conker, your reliable quiz generator.

Why Conker?

With Conker AI you can:

Save time for teaching

Conker’s AI-powered tool makes quiz creation fast and easy, so you can spend more time on instruction. Don’t worry about quiz details, focus on teaching.

Conker AI

Meet educational goals

Make sure your teaching aligns with curriculum standards with Conker. Feel confident that your students are on track with our convenient standards-aligned quiz bank.

Conker AI

Simplify your teaching

Integrate Conker into your workflow effortlessly. With smooth LMS integration including Canvas, you can make an online quiz and use Conker in more places.

Conker AI

Engage student attention

Keep students interested with diverse varied quizzes. With different question types, learning becomes fun and interactive. It’s never been easier to make your own quiz.

Conker AI


Conker AI Pricing

Conker is a quiz platform that helps you create engaging and interactive quizzes for your students, customers, or friends. Whether you want to test their knowledge, measure their satisfaction, or just have some fun, Conker has a plan for you. Here are our pricing options:


You can start conkerin’ for free and share up to 5 quizzes with 50 responses each. You can use all the question types and create quizzes with up to 10 questions and 1200 words in reading.


For only $3.99/month, you can conker on and share up to 10 quizzes with 100 responses each. You can use all the question types and create quizzes with up to 10 questions.


For $9.99/month, you can conker forever and share unlimited quizzes with unlimited responses. You can use all the question types and create quizzes with up to 20 questions and 5000 words in reading.


If you are a school or an educational institution, you can conker for all and get everything in the Pro tier plus integration with Canvas and admin features. Just contact us and let’s chat!

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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