
Artificial intelligence deceived recruiters and received an invitation to an interview

The test task performed by ChatGPT demonstrated competence in copywriting and content marketing. 1 min

Neil Taylor, the founder of communications consulting firm Schwa, once decided to test his recruitment team and hiring software. The manager wanted to find out if his subordinates and specialized AI tools would be able to detect the test task written by ChatGPT.

The test task offered to describe the main criteria for good text. ChatGPT’s essay impressed both Taylor and his staff. In their opinion, artificial intelligence has demonstrated good competencies in copywriting and content marketing.

“The secret to a good text is simple: tell a good story. At its core, writing is about communicating and connecting with your audience. And the best way to achieve this is to tell a story that resonates with readers. Writing good text is more than just linking together a bunch of words and hoping they catch on,” ChatGPT wrote.

The names and resumes of the applicants were hidden from recruiters who did not know that a robot applicant was hiding behind one of them. According to the results of the test task, less than 20% of candidates received an invitation to a “live” interview. One of the few invitees was the ChatGPT robot.

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