xAI officially launched: All What We Know So Far

1 min

Today, July 12th 2023, xAI has officially announced its launch as a new research organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity. xAI is led by Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. The team behind xAI consists of some of the most prominent researchers and engineers in the field, who have previously worked at DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, Tesla, and the University of Toronto. They have collectively contributed to some of the most widely used methods in the field, such as the Adam optimizer, Batch Normalization, Layer Normalization, and the discovery of adversarial examples. xAI aims to create and share novel AI techniques that can solve challenging problems across various domains and applications.

Are xAI and X Corp the same company?

xAI is an independent entity that collaborates with X (Twitter), Tesla, and other partners to advance their shared vision.

We are a separate company from X Corp, but will work closely with X (Twitter), Tesla, and other companies to make progress towards our mission.

What are the goals of xAI?

xAI is a project that aims to explore the deepest mysteries of the cosmos. They believe that the goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe and to do so, they need to ask the most fundamental unanswered questions. Their first tweet on their official Twitter account was a question asking folks about the most unanswered questions: “What are the most fundamental unanswered questions?” They hope to spark curiosity and inspire people to join them in their quest for knowledge and discovery.

Can I join xAI?

If you have a strong background in engineering or research and want to work on cutting-edge artificial intelligence projects, xAI might be the place for you. They are looking for talented and motivated technical staff to join their Bay Area team. To apply, please fill out this form:

xAI External Links

Below are the official links for xAI Company

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