White House AI

White House AI CEOs Meeting: High Hopes for AI and the Future

1 min

The White House is addressing the challenges and possibilities presented by AI, a technology that is altering many facets of our society and economy. Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with the CEOs of four top artificial intelligence companies on Thursday: Google, Microsoft, IBM, and OpenAI. The discussion will focus on how to ensure that artificial intelligence is created and implemented responsibly and ethically, as well as how to stimulate innovation and competition in the AI sector.

The conference takes place as the Biden administration announces a fresh $140 million commitment to building seven AI research institutions around the country. The institutions will bring together academic, industrial, and government experts to improve AI research in fields like health care, agriculture, education, and manufacturing. The administration expects that these institutions will aid in the creation of new employment, the improvement of public services, and the enhancement of national security.

AI has the potential to enhance many parts of our life, but it also offers substantial threats if not properly conceived and used. AI systems have the potential for being prejudiced, incorrect, dangerous, or damaging to human rights and dignity. The government has promised to use existing civil rights legislation to combat artificial intelligence discrimination and to promote fairness and accountability in AI decision-making. In addition, the government has established a new interagency task force to coordinate federal efforts on AI policy and regulation.

The White House meeting with CEOs provides a chance for the administration to hear from some of the main participants in the AI business and explore how they can collaborate to ensure that AI helps all Americans while respecting our values and traditions. The meeting also provides an opportunity for the government to demonstrate its commitment to AI innovation and global leadership.

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