Lensa AI

What is Lensa AI? The app that creates magical portraits.

2 min

Lensa AI photo editor was released in 2019, and its popularity has grown quite well. However, on November 21, an update to the application was released, which made literally everyone talk about Lensa. That’s what this update is all about.

A neural network that generates avatars

Lensa is a mobile photo editor created by the Russian team Prisma Labs – the authors of the photo retouching application called Prisma. Lensa was released in 2019 on Android, and in 2021 appeared on iOS. Among other competitors, the application was distinguished only by filters that allow you to make photos similar to paintings.

But the Nov. 21 update changed everything. Lensa AI overnight became the most downloaded application in the Russian AppStore. And all thanks to the Magic Avatars function, which is able to generate dozens of portraits of the user from his uploaded photos. Naturally, all portraits are made using Lensa “picture” filters – apparently, the “raw” photos generated by the neural network pass through the filters inside the application. This function works on the sensational neural network Stable Diffusion.

The application has become viral in a week and, if the photos created by it have not yet appeared in your feed on social networks, wait – soon they will be there.

“What is the charm of portraits from the neural network, it is clear: all of us the emissary of Satan whispers daily in his ear “You have aged decently from grief over the past six months, Margarita Nikolaevna”, and through neuro-lensing, we come out a kind of smoothed-cartoonish, timeless invulnerable characters of a computer game. What kind of Guardian of the Galaxy you are today: take a test and find out, “wrote the politician in her blog Telegram.

How does Lensa work?

All that is required from a user who decides to use Lensa AI to generate their photos is to download the application, pay one of the tariffs (prices differ depending on the number of photos you want to generate), upload the required number of their photos and wait for the result.

In total, you can generate from 50 to 200 finished images. For the price, it will cost you from 279 to 649 rubles, respectively, in the version on iOS and from 189 to 429 rubles in the version on Android. This is a one-time payment for a set of pictures – if you want to generate a few dozen more avatars, you will have to pay again. For this money, you get a set of pictures, from which you can then choose the most liked.

Users who have tried the neural network note that the program gives out a lot of defects, but in the set, there are also “diamonds”. Here are some reviews about the work of the program that we found on Twitter:

Magic Avatars Feature Test in Lensa

You can download Lensa both in the AppStore and in the Play Market. After downloading and registering, the application will either offer to use the Magic Avatars function itself, or it can be activated by clicking on the emoticon button in the upper left corner of the screen.

Once familiarized, the app will prompt you to select 10-20 photos. It is better to have more photos in different situations – so the neural network will be able to reproduce your face more similarly.

After selecting a photo, click on your gender, and then move on to the most interesting thing – payment.

In general, instead of personal experience, we share with you the results of Lensa’s work from other users:

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