
SofaBrain: AI Interior Design Tool

1 min


AI Interior Design Tool


SofaBrain is a modern online startup that uses AI to produce stunning home designs. SofaBrain can help you create your desired look with just a few clicks, whether you want to redecorate your living room, bedroom, kitchen, or any other room in the house. Just upload a photo of your area, select a design, and let SofaBrain deal with the rest. To get customized guidelines and ideas, you may also talk with SofaBrain’s friendly bot. SofaBrain is a smart approach for changing the interior of your home, more than a design tool.

How to get best results with SofaBrain

More room, more render

Take wide-angle photographs of your entire room, capturing as many features, furniture pieces, and details as possible. This will improve the quality of your render.

Bright rooms do better

Ensure that your image is bright and clearly visible to achieve the most optimal rendering.

Perspective matters

For a better quality render, it is advisable to have well-defined walls, furniture, and flooring in the scene. Consider capturing multiple angles of the same room to enhance the overall output.


Results (Before & After)

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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