Sam Altman

OpenAI CEO: AI will cause the death of all mankind

1 min

The CEO of OpenAI, the developer of the ChatGPT chatbot, Sam Altman, in an interview with StrictlyVC, called the advantages of artificial intelligence and expressed concerns about its impact on humanity as a whole.

Of the pluses, Altman singled out an abundance of systems that can solve deadlocks and improve all aspects of people’s lives. At the same time, he noted that if this option really becomes a reality, then “a person from the future will be mistaken for a madman if he begins to describe what is happening in his world.”

As for the worst-case scenario, according to Altman, “AI will cause the death of all of humanity.” He also explained that he is more concerned about individual cases of misuse of AI by humans.

Regarding the use of ChatGPT for criminal purposes, including fraud, cyberattacks, and the spread of disinformation, Altman explained that AI really needs to be regulated to minimize such risks.

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