
Microsoft to integrate tools like ChatGPT to all of its products.

1 min

The Microsoft executive confirmed that the company plans to include OpenAI artificial intelligence tools in all its products to make them available to as many people as possible.

Now it’s safe to say that all of Microsoft’s software will soon include tools based on artificial intelligence. Rumors that Microsoft is going to integrate ChatGPT into Word, Outlook and PowerPoint, confirmed the head of Microsoft Satya Nadella. When the Wall Street Journal asked him about it, he replied that the firm is working hard to bring to market the tools of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and the Dalle-E2 image generator.

The Redmond giant, which is also considering investing another $10 billion, sees OpenAI’s tools as a great way to integrate revolutionary new features into its products. Earlier this week, Microsoft announced the availability of the Azure Open AI Service – access to all OpenAI tools for customers of its Azure cloud computing platform.

This is the way in which a company allows its business and private customers to rely on the power of artificial intelligence to improve productivity. According to the head of Microsoft, “all Microsoft products will have the same capabilities in terms of artificial intelligence to completely transform the product.”

According to Satya Nadella, tools based on artificial intelligence can be used to increase human productivity, thereby contributing to economic growth and increasing wages in jobs for low-income segments of the population. The Microsoft executive says tools like ChatGPT should not be seen as solutions that will steal jobs from people, but rather as helping to improve productivity. As an example, he cites developers who use a tool to help them generate certain parts of the necessary code. For example, by integrating the ChatGPT conversational chatbot into its Office suite, Microsoft can allow its users to expand the document or improve its syntax, or generate contextualized automatic replies to emails in Outlook. This will allow users to devote more time to important tasks, and artificial intelligence will deal with more tedious ones.


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