Kreado AI

Kreado AI: Video Creator, Avatar Generator and many more!

1 min


AI that Simplifies Your Schoolwork

Kreado AI

Kreado AI is a video creation tool that uses AI to create multilingual oral videos of real or virtual characters. You can create videos in 140 different languages by simply entering text or keywords. You can also generate custom avatars and oral videos for marketing and promotions. Kreado AI is suitable for e-commerce business scenarios such as wigs, clothing, beauty makeup, glasses, etc.


Oral Broadcast Video Creation

Create oral broadcast videos with over 70 realistic digital characters that can speak multiple languages.

AI Marketing copy generation

Create engaging marketing content in different languages to boost your marketing performance.

AI Text Dubbing

AI text dubbing is a technology that allows you to create voice-overs for your videos in over 140 languages. You can simply type or paste your script and choose a voice that suits your content. AI text dubbing will generate a natural and expressive audio track for your video in minutes.

AI Model

Create a realistic digital human model without any studio filming.

AI Smart cutout

Erase the background of any image with a single click using Kreado AI.



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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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