Gmail Creator: ChatGPT Will Destroy Google’s Business in 2 Years


Gmail creator Paul Buchheit said that ChatGPT could become a real threat to Google. The corporation’s advertising business may begin to crumble in a couple of years. And this applies not only to Google, but also to all other search engines, said Buchheit. This is written by Interesting Engineering.

Launched in November last year, ChatGPT is able to express itself in a conversational style without hundreds of different inappropriate answers of search engines, allowing the user to also ask additional and clarifying questions.

Google’s advertising business is built on the fact that the company sells ads in search results for various queries. In 2021, Google’s revenue was more than $ 250 billion, which is its best income in almost 25 years of existence.

With the development of ChatGPT, Google’s search engine may lose relevance as users will aim for simple answers to their questions rather than a long feed with a list of pages.

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