ChatGPT app iOS


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Download ChatGPT IOS APP For Free


OpenAI has released an app for iOS so you can use ChatGPT anywhere.

The app is free and keeps your chats on all your devices. You can also talk to ChatGPT with your voice using Whisper, OpenAI’s voice system. If you pay for ChatGPT Plus, you can use GPT-4, get new features first, and chat faster on iOS.

OpenAI is starting the app in the US and will go to other countries soon. They want to know how you use the app. They will keep making ChatGPT better and safer with users’ feedback.

The ChatGPT app for iOS is part of OpenAI’s mission to make research into tools that help people. They also want to make them easy to use for everyone.

Download ChatGPT IOS App

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ChatGPT IOS App Technical Specifications

App Name
OpenAI ChatGPT
Platform iOS (Apple devices)
Version 1.0
Size 42.2MB
Developer OpenAI
Release Date May 18, 2023
Category Productivity
Compatibility Requires iOS 16.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Language Support English
In-App Purchases ChatGPT Plus $19.99
Description OpenAI ChatGPT is an innovative language model app that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses. It provides users with a conversational experience by understanding and responding to text inputs. Whether you need assistance with a question, want to engage in a conversation, or seek information on various topics, ChatGPT is designed to provide helpful and accurate responses. With its intuitive interface, users can easily engage in meaningful conversations with the app. ChatGPT harnesses the power of OpenAI’s advanced language processing capabilities, making it a versatile tool for productivity and communication. Download ChatGPT now and explore the world of intelligent conversation.
Key Features – AI-powered language model
– Natural language understanding
– Human-like conversation experience
– Accurate and informative responses
– Intuitive user interface
– Versatile tool for productivity and communication


I want to download ChatGPT for Android

ChatGPT Android App will be available soon as the OpenAI team already mentioned “P.S. Android users, you’re next! ChatGPT will be coming to your devices soon.”

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Is ChatGPT App Available worldwide?

ChatGPT is now available in the US first. Later, the app will be available to worldwide users.

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What are the devices supported by ChatGPT IOS App?

Users can download ChatGPT IOS App for both Iphone and IPad running iOS 16.1 or later.

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IS ChatGPT IOS App Free?

ChatGPT IOS App is free. Users can subscribe to ChatGPT Plus to enjoy GPT-4’s power, new features, and speed.

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