ChatDOC: Chat With Your Documants

1 min


Chat With Your Documants


ChatDOC is an amazing tool that lets you chat with your documents! You can upload any PDF file and ask questions about it. ChatDOC will give you fast and accurate answers with cited sources. You can also select tables or texts and get AI explanations. ChatDOC is powered by ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model. ChatDOC can help you read faster and learn better!


Read faster. Learn better.

Upload research papers, books, manuals, and more to access easy-to-understand answers within seconds. Engage with AI by starting a thread for follow-up questions, allowing it to clarify or expand on responses, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your files.

Query across multiple files at once.

Turn your files into a chatbot! Just upload a folder of documents and start talking to them. You can learn from your files easily by asking questions and getting answers.

Select tables / texts get AI explanations

Do you have any specific questions about the sections? Choose any tables or texts you want, ask focused questions, and get more precise answers.

Sources cited for fact checking.

ChatDOC uses direct quotes from the files to support its responses. You can click and verify how well the AI understood the content.

ChatDoc Pricing

You can try the Free plan to experience ChatDOC features at no cost. Get 2 files/day (up to 50 pages) and submit up to 50 questions daily.

Upgrade to Pro for $5.99/month (discounted from $7.99) for access to 300 files/month, up to 500 pages/file, and 300 questions/day. Pro subscribers also enjoy beta functions and can process 30 files/collection.


chatDOC Pricing

Customers Review

What others are saying

“ChatDOC is a ChatGPT-based file-reading assistant that can quickly extract, locate, and summarize information from PDFs.”

Faisal Alsrheed


“I’ve uploaded some of my grad school research papers and I was able to ask questions and receive answers with citations within the PDF.”



“Chatdoc.. 정말 좋다. 지금껏 써본 어느 AI 활용 pdf 분석보다 가장 좋음. 논문을 넣으면 그에 기반해 질문에 답변해주는데, 특히 AI가 해당 답변을 작성할 때 레퍼런스로 삼은 문단들을 **하이라이팅**해주는 게 최고임. <논문 리딩 코파일럿>으로 사용하기 딱이다ㅠ”

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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