Booth ai Generate professional product photography

2 min

Get high-quality product photos quickly, inexpensively, and without any physical samples using AI-powered image generation technology! With just a simple prompt and an image of your product, you can easily create professional-grade photos that will make your products stand out. Say goodbye to the hassle and cost of traditional product photography and hello to a smarter, more efficient solution.

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How does work?

You only need a few sample product images, and they don’t have to be professional shots. They can be basic pictures taken with your phone or supplied by customers. Once you upload them along with some descriptive text, we’ll handle everything else!

Step 1: Upload reference photos of your product.

Step 2: Submit a text prompt describing your vision.

Step 3: Start receiving images in seconds!

How does work?

Import your products from Shopify

You can easily import your product list from Shopify to use it in shopify

How much it costs

Booth AI Pro costs $199 per month and provides 10 product credits and 2000 image credits per month. You can use it for furniture, fashion, and packaged goods. You can also remove watermarks and get custom solutions like white-gloving and API access. Schedule a time to discuss these options. pricing

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Booth AI platform offers a multitude of features that you can explore and take advantage of as you use it. If you ever encounter difficulty in finding or mastering a particular feature or function, we are here to assist you.

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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