

1 min


Automatic Podcast Editing for Premiere Pro


AutoPod is a kit of Adobe Premiere Pro plugins for video podcasts and shows editors, allowing automatic multi-camera editing, social clip creation, and jump cuts during silent parts.


Multi-Camera Editor

The plug-in automatically edits multi-camera footage, even with up to 10 cameras and microphones. It can handle different camera configurations and types of shots, including solo, two, three, four, and wide shots. Users report that the output from the program is essentially a complete edit.

Social Clip Creator

The Podcast plug-in can automatically create different-sized clips for social media with aspect ratios of 1920x1080, 1080x1350, and 1080x1920. It resizes the footage based on the selected aspect ratio and can add auto-reframe, watermarks, and endpages if requested. It creates a new sequence based on the in/out point of the footage.

Jump Cut Editor

The tool automatically creates jump cuts in footage by detecting periods of silence. It is commonly used for social media clips where jump cuts are needed to keep the audience interested. Users can input a decibel cutoff for their specific microphones and the tool will create cuts accordingly.


All users start with a 30-day free trial.

Autopod pricing


How to install AutoPod?

To install the AutoPod, download the installer and run the installer file. Once the installation is finished, close and then reopen Adobe Premiere. Next, go to Window -> Extensions and select the AutoPod app that you want to use.

How does Multi-Camera Editor work in Autopods plug-in?

AutoPod Multi-Camera Editor uses thousands of hours of podcast footage to edit a podcast similar to a human editor. It considers factors like who is speaking, the camera layout, and common editing practices.

Is AutoPod Plug-in Free?

AutoPod has a paid plan ($29/Month) but all users start with a 30-day free trial.

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