Winston AI

Winston AI: AI Content Detector

1 min

Winston AI

A powerful solution for detecting AI-generated content.

Winston AI

Winston AI is an online tool that can detect if a text is generated by a human or an AI tool. It can also check for plagiarism and provide a list of duplicate content sources. Winston AI can scan text from multiple formats such as Word, PDF, PNG, and JPG, as well as extract text from images or handwritten documents using optical character recognition (OCR). Winston AI is useful for content creators, educators, and web publishers who want to ensure the originality and quality of their content.

How Winston AI Works

Step 1: Create a project

With Winston AI detector software, you can sort and classify your files and documents quickly. Use our tagging feature to assign a name and author to your documents, and filter them by category for easy and fast access.

Step 2: Type the text you want to check

✅You can use quick scan to copy text or upload files in these formats: .docx, .pdf, .png and .jpg.

✅OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology can easily read text from scanned documents or pictures, even if they are handwritten.

Step 3: Get your result in seconds

Winston AI can let you know if a text being human or AI written, using a 0-100 scale.<br /> Winston AI can also identify any copied content and show where it came from, the produce a printable report with all the details of the analysis.

Winston AI is designed for...

Content Creators

AI generated content is not original and can be detected by search engines like Google. This can lower your ranking and affect your business. To avoid this, make sure your content is human-made and unique.


Verify the human authorship of the content you are reviewing. Winston AI will help you determine if the work meets your standards.


Make sure your writer and collaborator’s work is not generated by AI.


Winston AI pricing


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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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