
Voicify: Make AI Song Covers

1 min


Make AI Song Covers

Voicify Make ai song covers

Voicify.ai is a platform that allows you to generate AI song covers with your favorite artists. You can choose from a variety of voice models, such as Drake, Kanye West, Juice WRLD, Ariana Grande, and many more, and create your own versions of popular songs in seconds. Voicify.ai uses advanced AI technology to produce realistic and high-quality audio that matches the style and tone of the original artists. Voicify.ai is a fun and easy way to explore your musical creativity and share it with others.

How It Works

Step 1 - SignUp

Create a Voicify account

Step 2 - Choose a Model

After registering your account, go to the models page. There you can see all the Voicify AI voice models that are available or coming soon.<br /> Select the model you want and you will access the generation page!

Step 3 - Upload Your Audio File

To upload your file to the chosen voice mode, drag and drop it to the designated area or click on it to browse your files.

The system accepts both full songs and acapellas as inputs and performs acapella extraction automatically.

Step 4 - Convert Your Song

Next, you can optionally name your conversion and decide if you want to make it public and share it with the community.

Step 5 - Done!

When you are done, press the “Ready To Convert” button and you will go to your conversion page!<br /> Then, just wait for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and you will see your converted cover!<br /> Your AI cover song is ready for download and use in any context you desire!

Voicify Pricing


Is Voicify Free?

Voicify has a free limited plan, you can subscribe to one of the available plans from the pricing page

How do I use Voicify AI?

Select a model of the desired artist from the Models page, then drag and drop your file in the upload area. Voicify will generate a song cover after pressing the “Ready To Convert” button

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