Vellum AI

Vellum AI: LLM Applications Developers Platform

1 min

Vellum AI

LLM Applications Developers Platform

Vellum AI

Vellum AI is a platform that enables you to deploy LLM-powered features in production with ease and confidence. You can use Vellum AI to create, test, and monitor prompts for various LLM providers, as well as perform semantic search and version control. Vellum AI helps you leverage the power of LLMs for your business needs.

Vellum AI Features

Side-by-Side Comparison

To create a minimum viable product, you can test various combinations of prompts, parameters, and language models to find the optimal solution for your scenario. This approach allows you to achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Vellum AI

Simple API Interface

Vellum is a proxy service that connects to LLM providers and lets you update your prompts with version control, without changing any code. This way, you can achieve low latency and high reliability for your LLM applications.

Vellum AI

Track results and test changes

Vellum is a platform that gathers data from model users, such as their inputs, outputs, and opinions. This data helps create reliable testing datasets that can evaluate the impact of future updates before they are deployed.

Vellum AI

Vellum AI Best Practices

Rapid experimentation

You can run multiple experiments with different prompts and models without switching between browsers or using spreadsheets to record the results.

Regression testing

You can check the impact of any changes to your prompts and models before deploying them by using a set of test cases and recent requests.

Your data as context

You can enrich your prompts with your own data without building and maintaining your own semantic search infrastructure.

Version control

You can keep track of the performance and history of your prompts and models. You can easily upgrade or downgrade them as needed without changing any code.

Observability & monitoring

You can see the exact input and output of your models and monitor their quality, latency, and cost over time.

Provider agnostic

You can choose the best provider and model for your task and switch them when necessary. You can avoid being locked in to one LLM provider.

Customers Review

What others are saying

“Creating world class AI experiences requires extensive prompt testing, fast deployment and detailed production monitor. Luckily, Vellum provides all three in a slick package. The Vellum team is also lightning fast to add features, I asked for 3 features and they shipped all three within 24 hours!”

“Our engineering team just started using Vellum and we’re already seeing the productivity gains! The ability to compare model providers side by side was a game-changer in building one of our first AI features”

“I love the ability to compare OpenAI and Anthropic next to open source models like Dolly. Open source models keep getting better, I’m excited to use the platform to find the right model for the job”

Aman Raghuvanshi

Co-Founder & CEO, Pyq


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