TXYZ: interact with Arxiv research papers

1 min

If you are a researcher who needs to keep up with the latest developments in your field, you know how challenging it can be to read and understand complex papers. Sometimes, you may have questions that are not answered by the paper itself, or you may want to compare different papers on the same topic. That’s why we created TXYZ AI, a plugin that helps researchers read papers more efficiently and effectively.

What is TXYZ AI?

TXYZ AI is a web app and a plugin that works with any web browser and allows you to access a powerful natural language processing model that can decipher, compare, and answer questions about research papers using a simple Arxiv ID.

What is TXYZ AI

TXYZ AI features

  • Get a summary of the main contributions and findings of the paper
  • Ask any question about the paper and get an answer in natural language
  • Compare two or more papers on the same topic and see how they differ in methods, results, and conclusions
  • Find related papers that cite or are cited by the paper you are reading
  • Save and organize your papers in a personal library

TXYZ AI is designed to help researchers save time and effort, as well as to enhance their understanding and critical thinking skills. TXYZ AI is not meant to replace reading the original papers, but rather to complement them and provide additional insights. TXYZ AI is also constantly learning from new papers and feedback from users, so it can improve its performance over time.

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