cyber attack

Top 5 AI-Based Cybersecurity threats in 2023

With the advent of artificial intelligence, cyberspace has been divided into "before" and "after".1 min

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving. The widespread use of artificial intelligence in cyber attacks has become one of the most significant events of recent years. As AI technologies evolve, attackers are using them to conduct more sophisticated and effective attacks. Cyber attacks based on artificial intelligence can be divided into 5 main types:

  1. Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). It’s a hidden threat, usually backed by a nation-state or a state-sponsored group that gains unauthorized access to a computer network and goes unnoticed for a long period of time. APT groups often use artificial intelligence to avoid detection and target their victim.
  2. Deepfake attacks. In them, hackersuse videos or images created by neural networks to impersonate real people and conduct fraud or disinformation campaigns.
  3. AI-based malware. Such malware can work independently and adapt to changing conditions. It also helps to avoid detection.
  4. Phishing. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), attackers can create more compelling phishing emails and messages designed to trick people into revealing their personal data.
  5. DDoS attacks. Here, artificial intelligence is used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities on the network, allowing the cybercriminal to increase the scale and impact of the attack.

Cybersecurity threats based on artificial intelligence are of great concern to both organizations and individuals, as such cyberattacks can circumvent traditional security measures and cause significant damage. Therefore, it is very important to apply reliable cybersecurity measures.

Earlier it became known that cybercriminals, some with little or no programming experience, used ChatGPT to create malware and phishing emails that could be used to conduct espionage, ransomware attacks, spam and other malicious campaigns.

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