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REimagine – Redesign your Spaces with Advanced AI

3 min

REimagine is an AI Design tool from Styldod that can unlock creative possibilities for redesigning any space. With its advanced capabilities, it evaluates architectural elements, detects room type, understands preferred design styles, and adheres to your color preferences and text instructions.

AI Redesign of Any Space

Through its powerful algorithms and machine learning, REimagine can redesign any space with ease. It takes into account the fundamental elements of the space and applies design principles to create an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Evaluation of Architectural Elements

REimagine evaluates and recognizes the specific architectural elements of a space, including walls, windows, doors, ceilings, and floors. This information is then used to create a cohesive design that complements the existing features.

REimagine exterior

Room Type Detection

By detecting the type of room, REimagine can generate designs that are optimized for the specific function of the space. For example, a bedroom will have a different design approach than a living room.

Preferred Design Style Understanding

REimagine understands that everyone has unique design preferences. By learning your preferred design style, it can create a design that resonates with you.

Preferred Design Style

Color Preferences and Text Instructions

With REimagine, you have full control over the color scheme of your space. It can also understand text instructions, making it easy to communicate specific design requests.

Features coming soon to REimagine

Virtual Staging of an Empty Space

One of the most convenient ways to stage a home is through virtual staging. With this method, an empty space can be furnished with virtual furniture and decor elements using text inputs.

Generate Design Using Inspiration Photo

If you have a specific design or moodboard in mind, REimagine can incorporate it into your space using a photo as inspiration.

Change Architectural Features for Home Improvement

Users have the ability to make changes to specific architectural elements such as walls, windows, doors, ceilings, or floors for home improvement.

Elemental Change for Furnishing

Redesigning a space element-by-element is possible with REimagine, giving users the capability to furnish their space in a way that suits their preferences.

AI Enhancement, Denoise, and Upscale

REimagine provides AI enhancement to improve image quality by correcting brightness, exposure, and sharpness. Additionally, AI denoise and upscale features remove grainy patches and increase image resolution for clearer and more detailed visuals.

Design with Voice

Users can now use their voice to give instructions to REimagine instead of typing or clicking. This enables a more natural and convenient way to generate designs for a space.


Last Words

In conclusion, REimagine offers an innovative solution for designing and redesigning spaces. Its advanced AI capabilities allow for personalized and efficient design choices, making it a valuable tool for homeowners, designers, and architects alike.

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