Rask AI

Rask AI

1 min

Rask AI

AI Video Localization & dubbing tool


Rask AI is a translation platform that allows content creators and businesses to quickly translate videos into more than 60 different languages. They can add a professional-sounding voiceover using features like “Text-to-Voice” and “Voice Cloning,” without having to record or hire a voice actor. Rask AI hopes to completely integrate with popular social media platforms and video-sharing sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok in the future. Anyone can now easily and quickly localize their videos and reach a larger audience. Rask AI assists in breaking down language boundaries and expanding the reach and impact of content.


60 Languages translation

Rask AI can translate video content into around 50 languages quickly and accurately, saving time and resources.


With Rask AI's ``Text-to-Voice`` technology, users can create a voiceover for their videos without having to record or hire a voice actor.

Voice cloning

Rask AI's ``Voice Cloning`` technology allows users to clone the voice of an existing speaker or choose from a range of pre-made voices.


Users can customize their videos by selecting the voice, tone, and speed of the voiceover, as well as adjusting the volume of the background music.


Rask AI can integrate with popular video platforms and social media sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

LipSync (Coming Soon)

Feature Coming Soon


Rask AI Pricing



Can I use Rask AI for free

With Rask’s trial version, you can test one video for free, which will be cut to a 1-minute length. Completing the onboarding process can also earn you additional trial videos for free.

What languages does Rask AI Support?

Rask AI supports video output in over 60 languages, including German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, English, and Turkish. The VoiceCloning feature provides a human-like experience and is currently only available in English. Rask AI believes its technologies can provide an acceptable translation level for most languages.

How do I cancel my Rask AI Subscription?

Easily cancel your subscription anytime by visiting your profile’s account page or contacting us through Intercom chat or email at support@rask.ai. You can still access premium features until the end of your current billing cycle even if you cancel.

What are the unique features in Rask AI?

Rask AI offers a unique feature called multispeaker detection and translation, setting us apart from other services. The VoiceCloning feature generates a speaker’s voice from the original video, which can be used globally to strengthen your brand. Rask takes pride in being among the first to provide these features.


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