
Musicfy: AI Music Assistant

1 min


AI Music Assistant


Musicfy is a tool that lets you create your own AI covers of popular songs in seconds. You can choose from a library of songs by artists like Ariana Grande, Eminem, and Drake, and add your own AI vocals. You can also listen to and share AI covers made by other users. Musicfy uses a secret AI technology that produces natural-sounding vocals. Musicfy is for anyone who loves music and wants to try something new.


Musicfy pricing


Create your own clone

With a brief sample of your voice, Musicfy can generate an AI version of you that can hit any note, with the ideal rhythm.

Make original songs

Musicfy AI voices library lets you produce original songs that are yours to keep - no royalties required.<br />

Automatic Voice Isolation

With Musicfy's stem splitting technology, you can easily separate the vocals from the music of any song. Then, you can use our AI to transform the vocals into the voice of your voice clone.

Discover new sounds and ideas

Create songs with royalty-free vocals and enhance them with an AI feature that works on any streaming platform. You can also share your own AI voice with other musicians and composers.

How Musicfy Works

✔️ You can either upload your own audio file or record your voice using the Musicfy app

✔️ Then select an artist from the Musicfy library or train your own AI voice using a source audio file

✔️ You can also adjust the pitch and quality of the output voice to suit your preferences

✔️ Last step is to download or share your AI-generated track with others



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