
MIHIRA: Storytelling with AI and Graphics

1 min

Renowned leader Raja M. Koduri, known for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of visual and accelerated computing at Intel, AMD, Apple, and Makuta, has announced the establishment of his new venture, MIHIRA. The much-anticipated announcement took place at SemiconIndia 2023 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, and was graced by the presence of India’s esteemed Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.

Under the visionary guidance of Raja Koduri, MIHIRA is actively developing a pioneering platform that offers a comprehensive range of services, software, and silicon systems specifically tailored for storytellers. Leveraging the latest advancements in real-time graphics tools and powerful Generative AI models, MIHIRA opens up a world of creative possibilities for both traditional and interactive storytelling.

The MIHIRA platform is being meticulously crafted by a team of highly experienced professionals, including former members of renowned tech giants, as well as experts from the animation and visual effects industries. Their collective goal is to address the existing software and hardware limitations that often hinder artists worldwide.

Raja M. Koduri, the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of MIHIRA, expressed his vision, stating, “Every artist in the world deserves easy access to sophisticated hardware to develop immersive environments, fine-tune custom AI models, and showcase their content. At MIHIRA, we are dedicated to building advanced software and hardware systems that empower artists. Furthermore, we aspire to become the leading employer of artists on a global scale.”

With offices located in North America and Asia, MIHIRA is a truly global enterprise poised to make a significant impact in the industry.

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