Lume AI

Lume AI: Automate data integrations with AI

2 min

If you are an engineer who works with data, you know how tedious and time-consuming it can be to build and maintain custom data integrations. You have to deal with different schemas, formats, sources, and destinations, and write code to transform and pipe data between them. And if anything changes, you have to update your code and test it again. But what if there was a better way? A way that could automate custom data integrations with no code and use AI to handle any schema changes? That’s what Lume AI promises to do.

Luma ai

Lume AI is a No-Coding tool

Lume AI is a no-code tool that lets you generate and maintain custom data integrations with AI. You can connect to any data source or destination, such as databases, APIs, files, or third-party apps, and Lume will automatically transform the data between any start and end schema. You can also upload your own custom schemas and use Lume’s 300+ connectors to create any data flow you need.

Luma ai

Review your data before deployment

Lume AI uses AI to learn from your data and adapt to any schema changes. It also handles complex transformations such as joins, aggregations, filters, calculations, and more. You can monitor and manage all your data flows and connectors from Lume’s dashboard, and get alerts if anything goes wrong.

Luma ai Review the data output before

Lume AI is backed by Y Combinator and founded by a team of Stanford CS graduates who have experience in product development at Google, Opendoor, GGV Capital, and Amex. They are on a mission to empower companies to focus on delivering their core value proposition rather than spending time and money on data integrations and transformations.

If you are interested in trying out Lume AI, you can sign up for their private beta on their website:

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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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