Liner AI

How to Train ML Models without Coding using Liner AI

1 min

Liner AI

No-Code Machine Learning Training

Liner AI

Liner AI is a tool that simplifies the process of training ML models. You just need to provide your training data and Liner will generate an ML model that you can easily integrate with your applications. You don’t need to write any code or have any background in machine learning to use Liner. Liner AI is completely FREE!

How does it work?

Liner AI lets you create machine learning models with no coding required. You just need to provide some data that you want to train your model on. Liner AI will then give you a model that you can use in your app.

1️⃣ Import your data
Load your data into Liner and explore it. You can also work with a dataset that already has labels.

2️⃣ Train with one click
Liner will automatically select a suitable model and train it for you.

3️⃣ Deploy your model
Export your model to various platforms and easily integrate it with your application.


Image Classification

Create a model that assigns labels to images based on their content.

Text Classification

Create a model that assigns labels to texts based on their meaning.

Audio Classification

Create a model that assigns labels to sounds based on their source.

Video Classification

Create a model that assigns labels to video clips based on their content.

Object Detection

Create a model that identifies objects in an image and their location.

Image Segmentation

Create a model that divides an image into regions based on their pixels.

Pose Classification

Create a model that assigns labels to poses based on their shape.


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I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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