Cover Letter

How to Write a Cover Letter in Minutes with AI: Top 5 Tools

2 min

A cover letter is a crucial document that can make or break your chances of landing an interview. It showcases your skills, personality, and motivation for the job. However, writing a cover letter can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s why many job seekers are turning to AI-powered cover letter generators. These tools can help you create a customized and professional cover letter in minutes. In this article, we will review the top 5 cover letter generators using AI and how they can benefit you.

Kickresume AI Cover Letter Writer

If you need a cover letter for a specific role, you can try Kickresume’s AI cover letter writer. It uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 natural language processing model to create cover letters that sound like they were written by real people. It can help you overcome writer’s block and generate a cover letter that you can use as a starting point. But, don’t forget to revise your AI-generated cover letter and make it more personal.


Behired AI Cover Letter Generator

With Behired AI-generated cover letter, you can create a tailored and relevant cover letter using artificial intelligence. However, this tool is not perfect and it may not capture your personality and voice. Therefore, you should always review and revise your AI-generated cover letter before sending it. Make sure it reflects who you are and how you can contribute to the job.

Behired AI Cover Letter Generator

Rezi Cover Letter Creator

One of the most tedious and frustrating tasks in job hunting is crafting a cover letter that matches each position. Rezi has solved this problem by creating an AI Cover Letter Creator that can generate a customized cover letter in seconds.


Grammarly smart cover letter generator

Create a captivating cover letter in minutes with Grammarly’s smart cover letter generator, which uses AI to help you craft a compelling message for your potential employer. Just follow these three simple steps to make a great impression.

Simplified AI Cover Letter Generator

Create a Winning Cover Letter with Simplified AI Cover Letter Generator. With one click, you can generate a cover letter that showcases your skills and personality to employers.


To sum up, best cover letter generators are online tools that help you create a professional and personalized cover letter for your job application. They can save you time and effort, as well as provide you with tips and examples to make your cover letter stand out. Whether you choose a free or paid service, a cover letter generator can help you showcase your skills and achievements, and impress potential employers.

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