AI DJ Australia

How to Get Spotify AI DJ in Australia?

1 min

Spotify AI DJ is a feature that uses artificial intelligence to create a curated lineup of music based on your listening history and preferences. It also provides commentary between songs, giving you facts and trivia about the artists, genres, and tracks you’re listening to. Spotify AI DJ uses Spotify’s personalization technology, generative AI, and a dynamic AI voice platform to deliver a personalized and realistic listening experience. Spotify AI DJ is available for Premium users in the U.S. and Canada.

Is AI DJ available in Australia?

Many people around the world and from Australia specifically are curious about this feature and want to know when it will be available in their regions.

Update – Spotify DJ AI is now available in Australia

Twitter user @RFlaxxy, who is a TikTok content creator with over 18K followers, recently tweeted to the official Spotify account, asking “is AI DJ coming to Australia?”. The SpotifyCares team replied to @RFlaxxy’s tweet, saying

“Hey there! We’re afraid we don’t have any info to share about this at the moment, but we’ll make sure to pass your feedback on to the relevant team. We’ll let them know this is something you’d like to see. For anything else, just give us a shout.”

Another user @testok51981 asked “Hi Spotify. Do you know when the AI Dj Feature is coming to devices in Australia/New Zealand”. The reply from Spotify was approximately the same

“Hey there! We’re here for you. Don’t worry, DJ is currently still gradually rolling out to all Premium users in the US and Canada. If you’re on Premium in these regions and not seeing it at the moment, rest assured it’s coming your way. Hope you enjoy.”

This means that Spotify is taking this request into consideration, but has not announced any plans to expand AI DJ to other regions yet.

How to use Spotify AI DJ?

Want to try the DJ feature on Spotify? if you are a Spotify Premium user and located in the U.S. and Canada, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your Music Feed on Home in the Spotify mobile app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Press Play on the DJ card.
  3. Enjoy the music and the commentary from the DJ, tailored to your taste.
  4. Not liking the playlist? Just tap the DJ button at the bottom right of the screen to switch to a different genre, artist, or mood.

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