
Google Bard Tips, Technical Facts, and Statistics in 2023

3 min

Google Bard AI chatbot is a new Google project that allows users to communicate with a powerful language model. It may provide you with advice, explanations, ideas, and more. Bard is built on LaMDA, a lightweight and efficient version of Google’s massive language model. Predicting the next word based on the previous words can create genuine and fluent text answers. It can also provide you with many drafts of its response so you can select the best one for your specific needs.

Google Bard Global Facts

Release dateFebruary 6, 2023
User access grantedMarch 21, 2023
Monthly visits (March 2023)30 million
User demographicsUS (62.6%), UK (8.29%), China (3.22%)
Interests of the usersProgramming and software development, computer electronics, and tech
Average visit duration3.19 minutes
Anticipated global reach1 billion users
Cost of integrating Google Bard into Google Search$3 billion by 2024

These statistics provide only an overview of Google Bard’s current state. We should expect even more remarkable numbers in the future as the service develops and grows.

Google Bard Technical Statistics

Number of words in dataset1.56 trillion
Number of tokens in dataset2.81 trillion
Number of parameters in model137 billion
Training data sourcePublic dialogue and web data
Training time1.5 years
Model typeTransformer-based language model
Deployment environmentGoogle Cloud Platform
ApplicationsChatbots, question answering, summarization, code generation, translation, and more

Google Bard Users in 2023

Google Bard was launched as an experimental project by Google in 2023 and has attracted many users who want to try its capabilities and features.

Google Bard Users in 2023
A chart showing the number of Google Bard users from January to April 2023.

As you can see in the chart, the number of Google Bard users is steadily expanding. This is most likely due to the fact that Google Bard is a powerful tool that can be used for a range of activities, including generating text, translating languages, creating various types of creative material, and providing useful answers to your questions.

Google Bard In Now Available (Join The Waitlist)

Here are the steps on how to join the Google Bard waitlist:

  1. Go to the Google Bard website:
  2. Click on the “Join waitlist” button.
  3. Sign in to your Google account.
  4. Accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Click on the “Join waitlist” button.
Google Bard In Now Available (Join The Waitlist)

Once you have joined the waitlist, you will receive an email notification when you are able to access Bard.

“It’s your turn to try Bard”

After joining the waitlist, I got access to try Bard in just 7 minutes!

It's your turn to try Bard

This is the mail you will receive once you have access to Google Bard.

It's your turn to try Bard

🛈 Information

Bard is still an early experiment and it may not always give accurate or appropriate responses. It may also reflect some biases and stereotypes from the data it was trained on. You should always verify the information you get from Bard and use your own judgment.

Why can’t I join the Google Bard waitlist?

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to join the Google Bard waitlist.

  • You are using a Google Workspace account. Google Bard is currently only available for personal Google accounts. If you are using a Google Workspace account, such as a Gmail account for work or school, you will not be able to join the waitlist.
  • You are not 18 years old or older. Google Bard is only available for users who are 18 years old or older. If you are under 18, you will not be able to join the waitlist.
  • You are using an unsupported browser. Google Bard is currently only supported in the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. If you are using a different browser, you will not be able to join the waitlist.
  • There is a technical issue. If you are experiencing a technical issue when trying to join the waitlist, you can try the following:
    • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
    • Try using a different browser.
    • Try using a different device.
    • Contact Google support for help.

Bard is an exciting and innovative way to interact with AI and explore new possibilities. I hope you enjoy using Google Bard AI chatbot and discover new things with it.

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