failed to get service status

Failed to get service status: Issue explained and how to fix it

1 min

Many ChatGPT users have reported an issue where they see a message saying “failed to get service status” when they try to log in to OpenAI services. This issue prevents them from accessing the features and functionalities of ChatGPT and OpenAI.


“Failed to get service status” Explained

OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT service, has acknowledged an issue that affects some users’ ability to log in. The error, titled “Elevated error rate for ChatGPT logins“, was reported on the company’s status page, where users can check the availability of OpenAI’s services. OpenAI stated that they are currently investigating the cause of the problem and working on a solution. No further details were provided at this time.


How to fix the “Failed to get service status” error?

OpenAI has announced that they are facing a technical issue that prevents users from logging in or using their services. This means that ChatGPT is currently unavailable and there is no estimated time for its restoration. Users can only wait patiently for OpenAI to resolve the problem and restore their services to normal.

Investigating – We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 112023 – 07:56 PDT – OpenAI

If you are facing other issues with ChatGPT, you can check our tutorials:

How to Fix “ChatGPT At Capacity” Error with VPN

ChatGPT website Status ; Updated instantly!

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