Brainly AI learning

Brainly AI: A Revolutionary Platform for Learning and Studying

5 min

Are you looking for a way to improve your academic performance, ace your exams, and master any subject? If so, you might want to check out Brainly AI, a platform that combines artificial intelligence and human expertise to provide you with the best homework help and test prep solutions.

Brainly AI Features

Brainly AI is more than just a website where you can ask and answer questions. It is a comprehensive learning system that offers various features and tools to help you achieve your academic goals. Here are some of the benefits of using Brainly AI:

  • Homework help: Get expert-verified homework help and explanations personalized with AI. Whether you need help with math, science, history, or any other subject, you can find reliable answers from Brainly’s experts and star students. You can also upload a picture of your problem and get a solution in minutes.
  • Test prep: Score higher with practice tests included in Study Sets. You can create your own study sets or use the ones created by other users or experts. Study sets include flashcards, quizzes, and practice tests that cover the most important topics and concepts for your exam. You can also track your progress and see how well you are prepared.
  • Step-by-step explanations for any textbook problem: Pick your school level to find your books and start exploring solutions. Brainly AI has a huge database of textbook solutions for all grades and subjects. You can browse expert-written explanations for practice questions straight from your book. If you have the book’s title or ISBN, textbook answers are available to help you get unstuck and truly understand.
  • AI Tutor & Live Experts: Understand faster with 24/7 personalized learning. If you need more guidance or feedback, you can use Brainly’s AI Tutor or Live Experts features. The AI Tutor is an interactive chatbot that can help you with any question or topic. It can give you hints, examples, definitions, and explanations. The Live Experts are real tutors who can assist you via video call or chat. They can help you with homework, test prep, essays, projects, and more.

How does Brainly work?

Using Brainly is very simple and intuitive. Here are the steps to follow:


Search questions or ask your own
You can search a knowledge base of millions of school questions. If that doesn’t work, you can always ask our experts yourself. Just type your question or upload a picture and select the subject and grade level.

Search questions or ask your own


Get Step-By-Step explainations
Asking a question will get you up to two answers from our experts and star students. You can also see how many people have viewed, answered, or thanked your question. You can rate the answers and leave comments if you have any doubts or feedback.

Get Step-By-Step explainations


Answer questions for points
Help others, complete challenges, and earn points to spend asking your own questions. You can also earn badges and ranks for your contributions. Answering questions is a great way to review what you have learned and share your knowledge with others.

Answer questions for points

What is Textbook Detective?

Detective is a feature that provides you with reliable textbook solutions. Browse expert-written explanations for practice questions straight from your book. If you have the book’s title or ISBN, textbook answers are available to help you get unstuck and truly understand.
Textbook Detective covers all school levels and subjects, including:

  • College Textbook Answers
  • High School Textbook Answers
  • Middle School Textbook Answers
  • Elementary School Textbook Answers

Textbooks are a useful tool for learning and studying, unless you get stuck on a problem. Being unable to figure out the next step will stop your progress — which is where Textbook Detective comes in. With step-by-step explanations, you can learn how to use the principles involved and then apply them to other questions like it.

Brainly for your browser

Brainly also offers a browser extension that allows you to instantly get answers on homework websites. All solutions come from the Brianly Knowledge Base!

Brainly AI extension

Find answers with one click
Highlight a sentence, right-click, and select “Find Answer on Brainly”. You will see a pop-up window with the best answer from Brainly.

Brainly AI extension

See Brainly solutions in Google results
Get answers by typing a question into the search bar! You will see a box with the top answer from Brainly below the Google results.

Brainly AI extension

Why choose Brainly AI?

Brainly AI is not just another homework-help website. It is a platform that uses artificial intelligence and human expertise to provide you with the best learning experience possible. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Brainly AI:

  • It is fast and easy to use: You can get answers to your questions in minutes or even seconds. You don’t have to waste time searching for unreliable sources or waiting for someone to reply.
  • It is accurate and reliable: You can trust the answers from Brainly’s experts and star students. They are verified and rated by other users and moderators. You can also see the sources and references for each answer.
  • It is personalized and adaptive: You can get answers and explanations tailored to your needs and preferences. You can also use the AI Tutor and Live Experts features to get more guidance and feedback.
  • It is fun and engaging: You can interact with other users and experts, earn points and badges, and complete challenges. You can also create your own study sets or use the ones created by others.

Ready to join Brainly AI?

If you are looking for a way to improve your academic performance, ace your exams, and master any subject, Brainly AI is the platform for you. You can join Brainly AI for free and start using its features and tools right away. You can also upgrade to Brainly Plus for more benefits, such as unlimited answers, ad-free experience, priority access to experts, and more.

Brainly AI pricing
Brainly AI pricing

Download the Branly AI App

Brainly App is available in both Android and IOS versions.

Google Play Store

Brainly AI is a revolutionary platform for learning and studying that combines artificial intelligence and human expertise to provide you with the best homework help and test prep solutions. Join Brainly AI today and see the difference for yourself!

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