Flowise AI

Flowise AI: Build Customized LLM Flow with Drag & Drop

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Flowise AI

Build Customized LLM Flow with Drag & Drop

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Flowise AI is an open-source platform that helps you optimize your workflow and productivity using artificial intelligence. It analyzes your tasks, goals, habits, and preferences, and provides you with personalized suggestions and insights. Flowise helps you achieve more with less stress and distraction.


LLM Chain

A simple LLM chain example using a prompt template and an LLM model

QnA Retrieval Chain

Conversational retrieval QA chain in the Github repo

Language Translation Chain

LLM Chain with a Chat Prompt Template and Chat Model for language translation

Conversational Agent with Memory

A chat model conversational agent that uses chat-specific prompts and buffer memory

How Flowise AI Works

⚡Getting Started with Flowise AI

Download & Install NodeJS >= 18.15.0

  1. Firstly,Install Flowise

    npm install -g flowise
  2. Use this command to start Flowise AI

    npx flowise start

    Use the username & password

    npx flowise start --FLOWISE_USERNAME=user --FLOWISE_PASSWORD=1234
  3. Open http://localhost:3000

🐳 Docker

Docker Compose

  1. Navigate to docker directory at the project root
  2. Create .env file and specify the PORT (refer to .env.example)
  3. docker-compose up -d
  4. Open http://localhost:3000
  5. To stop the container, use docker-compose stop

Docker Image

  1. Build the image locally:

    docker build --no-cache -t flowise .
  2. Run the image:

    docker run -d --name flowise -p 3000:3000 flowise
  3. Stop the image:

    docker stop flowise

👨‍💻 Developers

A single mono repository contains 3 modules of Flowise AI.

  • server: Node backend to serve API logics
  • ui: React frontend
  • components: Langchain components


  • Install Yarn
    npm i -g yarn


  1. Clone the repo using this command:

    git clone https://github.com/FlowiseAI/Flowise.git
  2. Go into the repository directory

    cd Flowise
  3. Install all modules dependencies:

    yarn install
  4. Build the code:

    yarn build
  5. Start the application:

    yarn start

    Now, you can  access the application on http://localhost:3000

  6. For development build:

    yarn dev

    The app will refresh itself on http://localhost:8080 whenever you modify the code.

🔒 Authentication

For app authentication, use FLOWISE_USERNAME and FLOWISE_PASSWORD to the .env file in packages/server:


For Documentation, please refer to one of the following links:

Flowise Docs

🌐 Self Host


Deploy on Railway


Deploy to Render




The source code in this repo is made available under the MIT License.

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  1. How to update flowise from linux command prompt with the newest version. I installed it on aws. Will I lose my data during update?


I am an IT engineer, content creator, and proud father with a passion for innovation and excellence. In both my personal and professional life, I strive for excellence and am committed to finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
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