Wolverine AI
Generative AI that fixes Python script
Wolverine is a tool that captures error messages from a buggy script and sends them to GPT-4 for analysis. GPT-4 identifies bugs and suggests changes, which Wolverine applies to the script and re-runs. Even if new errors arise, Wolverine consults with GPT-4 and continues to modify and re-run the script until it runs successfully.
Today I used GPT-4 to make "Wolverine" - it gives your python scripts regenerative healing abilities!
— BioBootloader (@bio_bootloader) March 18, 2023
Run your scripts with it and when they crash, GPT-4 edits them and explains what went wrong. Even if you have many bugs it'll repeatedly rerun until everything is fixed pic.twitter.com/gN0X7pA2M2
AI分野で「エージェント」とは、自分の置かれた環境や状況を理解し、それにより最適な行動を選択する存在。GPT-4の公開でAuto-GPTやBaby AGIなどエージェントに関する開発が急速に進んでいる。Wolverine(👉https://t.co/1q8IdiZIZR)は コードにあるバグを修正+実行できるようにするエージェント↓。 https://t.co/hXZLajGTjZ pic.twitter.com/aaKIToi2jg
— sangmin.eth @ChoimiraiSchool (@gijigae) April 5, 2023